Our expertise cover design of Human Resource Systems for new Organizations and review of Human Resource Systems for existing ones;
- Job Evaluation
- Competency Profile (Technical and Managerial)
- Scheme and Conditions of Service
- Recruitment and Selection Policy (i.e. Employee Resourcing)
- Employee Performance Management Policy
- Development of Corporate Administrative Manuals
- Training and Staff Development Policy
We also review Human Resource Systems of existing organizations; Development of Code of Ethics; Corporate Performance Needs Assessment (incorporating training and non- training related issues) and undertake Employee Re-sourcing.
Under Training and Workshop Facilitation, we undertake:
- Comprehensive Performance Needs Assessment of the Client’s Organisation
- Design a customized training and workshop programme for the Client
- Develop skills development driven Training and Workshop Manuals and Materials
- Facilitate the Training programmes and/or workshops and;
- Prepare End of Training and/or workshop reports for Client