Strategic Partnerships

Strategic Partnerships

In partnership with the under listed international and local consultancy firms, Pentax has executed assignments in its core areas of business within and outside Ghana. These include;

1) Copenhagen Development Consulting (CDC) of Denmark, in the development of a Monitoring and Evaluation strategy or system to track the output and impact of the Urban Poverty Reduction Project (UPRP) of Social Investment Fund (SIP) and Ministry of Local Government and Rural Development (MLRD).
2) International Executive Services Cooperation (IESC) America, in the implementation of the USD 40.3m Agriculture Credit Project of MIDA which seeks to build the capacity of accredited Financial Institutions in the MIDA intervention zones to help transform Agriculture Production in Ghana from the current subsistence to commercial level through efficient delivery of Agriculture Loan Services to the farmer-based organizations and Agriculture SMEs using the value chain approach. (2008 — 2010)
3) GOPA, Germany, in the implementation of phase II of the DANIDA/GTZ funded Support Programme for Enterprise Empowerment Development (SPEED II). It is a Euro 11.9 million programme that seeks to support business sector development in Ghana through strengthening mainly the institutional environment of enterprise support services.
4) GOPA, Germany in implementing the Regional Indicative Programme (RIP) to design and install a database Monitoring and Evaluation system at the ECOWAS Secretariat for the disbursement of the allocated 257m on the 9th EDF.
5) National Opinion Research Center (NORC) of the United States of America in undertaking Baseline Survey under the Feeder Roads component of United States sponsored Millennium Development Authority (MiDA) Project in Ghana.
6) Bureau of Integrated Rural Development (BIRD) of KNUST, to conduct a SWOT Analysis of roots and tuber producers in Ghana at the instance of the Roots and Tuber Improvement Project (RTIMP).

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