- Capacity Building Fund Manager under the Rural and Agricultural Finance Programme (RAFiP) funded by IFAD and Government of Ghana, Pentax provided Technical Assistance for the development of standardized Technical and Managerial manuals, undertook Institutional strengthening of Microfinance Apex Institutions Secretariats, provided Technical Assistance to Microfinance Unit of MoFEP/PCO and conducted Capacity Needs Assessment of Microfinance sub-sector. (2011-2016)
- Facilitating Agency contracted to provide Technical Advisory Services to the Rural Microfinance Institution (RMFI) Pilot Training Fund under the Rural Financial Services Project (RFSP I&II) under the sponsorship of the IDA/World Bank, IFAD, and AfDB. Pentax developed framework for screening of Training Service Providers (TSPs) and provided technical advisory services and managed the 70 consultancy firms and NGOs serving as the Training Providers to Self-Help groups, community-based organizations, Credit Unions, Susu and Co-operative Associations countrywide. (2002-2009).
- Conducted an institutional assessment of Ghana Microfinance Institutions Network (GHAMFIN) and developed a strategic plan for the institution under the sponsorship of UNDP. (2007)
- Pentax was in a Consortium with CDC, Denmark and of GOPA of Germany as the lead firms in the implementation of the Support Programme for Enterprise Empowerment and Development, sponsored by GTZ/DANIDA Project covering dubbed SPPED II at a cost of 11.9 million Euros. (2006-2009)
- Developed the six (6) thematic papers that were used in the formulation of the Ghana Microfinance Policy (GHAMP) document. (2006)
- Part of the two consultancy firms that developed the “Ghana Microfinance Policy” (2007). For the assignment we travelled to obtain additional first-hand knowledge of Microfinance from 5 countries with significant Microfinance history. These were Bangladesh, Ethiopia, Uganda, Bolivia and Peru and Bolivia. (2006)
- Pentax conducted an Institutional Assessment and Identification of Capacity Building needs of seven (7) Microfinance Institutions funded by UNDP. (2004-2005)
- Pentax was the firm that formulated the USD 30m DANIDA funded Business Sector Programme Support (BSPS) for Ghana Document and designed two front runner projects namely, Business Law Division of the Ministry of Justice and Policy Planning, Monitoring and Evaluation Division of the former Ministry for Private Sector Development now merged with Ministry of Trade, Industry and Presidential Initiative (PSI). (2004)
- Pentax was in a partnership in a Consortium with T&B Consultant and CDC of Denmark that won a contract to execute the first phase of a three (3) year Support Programme for Enterprise Empowerment and Development, GTZ/DANIDA Project dubbed SPEED I, US 10 million project). (2003-2006)
- Facilitated the preparation of Short-term Strategic Business Plans (2003-2005) for six (6) microfinance institutions supported by UNDP. (2003)
- Pentax conducted a Nationwide Survey on the Cheque Clearing Cycle in Ghana for the Ministry of Finance and Economic Planning, a World Bank funded project. (2002)
- Undertook a representative nationwide survey of thirty (30) rural microfinance and non-bank financial institutions for the African Project Development Facility (APDF).
- Pentax was contracted by TIPCEE a USAID program described as “Ghana Trade and Investment Program for a Competitive Export Economy”, to design and develop the Monitoring and Evaluation (M&E) Framework, Plan and Computerised Database System for the Financial Sector Strategic Plan (FINSSP)-2005 now Economic Management Capacity Building Project (ECMBA).