Human Resource Policies Development Covering Performance Needs Assessment


  1. Pentax conducted Training Needs Assessment of staff of GCB Bank Limited as part of the assignment tasks which included development of training manuals and delivery of training on the theme “Positive Attitude and “Can Do” Mindset and “Sustaining Growth for Market Leadership” for all the Management and Staff of GCB Bank Limited countrywide. (2016 – 2017)
  2. Pentax conducted Training Needs Assessment of staff of National Investment Bank Limited (NIB) as part of the assignment tasks which included development of manuals and delivery of training on the theme “Target Setting and Measurement and Effective Supervisory Skills” for the Supervisory to Middle level Management team of the Bank countrywide. (2015)
  3. Pentax was contracted as the Local Bank Training Service Provider in PFI Training / Capacity Building Component of the Agricultural Credit Programme (ACP) of Millennium Development Authority, Ghana. The firm assessed Training Needs of Financial services providers including Traditional Commercial Banks (TCBs), Rural Banks (RBs), Financial Non-Governmental Organisations (FNGOs) and Savings and Loans Companies (S&Ls), Recruited and Selected Experienced Technical Service Providers for Training of Trainers (ToT) in the Development of Agricultural Credit Training Manuals, built Capacity of identified PFI Credit and Project staff in Agricultural lending. (2009-2011)
  4. Capacity Building and Technical Assistance in Monitoring and Reporting of Implementing Entities (IEs) of Millennium Development Authority (MiDA). Pentax conducted Institutional Capacity Needs Assessment of participating Implementing Entities, designed and delivered training programme, provided training in Monitoring and Reporting; and Data Management to MiDA Implementing Entities (IEs) and undertook data capture, data processing, data management and reporting. (2009-2010)
  5. Facilitating Agency of Rural Financial Services Project (RFSP I & II) spanning six years. Pentax developed framework for screening of Training Service Providers (TSPs) and a training plan detailing Core and General training programs with regards to the training needs assessment, provided technical advisory services and managed the seventy (70) Consultancy Firms and NGOs serving as the Training Providers to Self-Help groups, community-based organizations, Credit Unions, Susu and Co-operative Associations countrywide, facilitated the efficient training of the Rural Microfinance Institutions (RMFI) and supported the Institutional Capacity Building initiatives of Rural Microfinance Apex Institutions. (2002-2008)
  6. Under the Capacity Building Project of the DANIDA Support for District Assemblies Phase II (DSDA II), Pentax assessed the institutional capacities and training needs of the 17 District assemblies; developed appropriate modules for the 17 Assemblies and trained and provided them with customized tools for enhancing their capacities for effectiveness and efficiency. (1999-2002)