Private Sector Development Including Project Formation, Strategic & Business Planning

Corporate Institutional Restructuring

Pentax provided consultancy services for the Institutional Review and Transformation of the Minerals Commission of Ghana.Pentax revised the Organogram and Job descriptions for the Chief Executive Officer, Divisional and Departmental Heads as well as revised and developed new Job descriptions for the two (2) Deputy Chief Executive Officer positions, the Director, Human Resources and Administration Department, the Director for Regional and District Minerals Commission Offices, the Regional and District Minerals Commission Offices and the recommended organograms for the Regional and District Minerals Commission Offices and the Department Head for the newly created Minerals Economists/Financial Analysts Department. Pentax also submitted a report on Illegal Small Scale Mining (i.e. Galamsey) Activities in Ghana: Genesis, Realities, Dimensions of Current Challenges and Recommendations. (2017)

Management Tools and Business Development Information for SME Managers for the International Organisation for Migration (IOM). Pentax built capacity of the Promoters and/or their representatives with practical knowledge and skills in establishing and managing their own businesses in an efficient, sustainable and successful manner. The activities included Nurturing and Mentoring of Project Promoters by Consultant and Technical and Credit Assistance from Financial Institutions, Ministries, Departments and Agencies and Donor Projects in Ghana assessed on initiative of IOM/ MIDA Ghana – Italy Project Managers network and information know how. (2013)

Institutional Assessment and Identification of Capacity Building Needs of Six (6) Partner Microfinance Institutions UNDP. Pentax reviewed all the programmatic information for the four (4) year period under assessment thus providing the basis for calculating a number supporting indicators for analysis, assessed and analysed other industry related indicators and prepared and delivered a concise but comprehensive summary of the institutional assessment report with clear recommendations. (2007)

Human Resource Development Systems for Express Funds International Limited. Pentax prepared eight (8) Human Resource Development Policy documents on; Comprehensive Scheme of Service, Employee Resourcing, Conditions of Service, Competency Profiles, Employee Performance Measurement Manual, Training and Development Policy, Administrative and Operational Manual and Salary Structure and a Medium-term Strategic Business Plan. (2003-2007)

Formulation of DANIDA Business Sector Programme Support (BSPS) to Ghana Document. Pentax was responsible for the identification and review of existing Policies, Acts and Laws that affect business sector development in Ghana and Pre-identification visits with International Process Consultants to major stakeholders (e.g. Private Enterprise Foundation, Association of Ghana Industries, Prudential Bank Ltd, Management Development and Productivity Institute, Trades Union Congress. (2003)

Diagnostic Studies, Corporate Re-engineering, General Management Training, Internal Control Systems for Rural Banks supported by DANIDA. Pentax was contracted to conducted specific Diagnostic Studies on Corporate Re-engineering, General Management Training and Internal Control Systems for twenty (20) Rural Banks in Ghana. (2002)

Human Resource Development (HRD) Systems for Ghana Legal Sector under the Legal Sector Reform Programmme under the PEPPTA Project funded by the World Bank. Pentax under the Legal Sector Reform Programme, Developed Human Resource Development Policy to guide Manpower Development, Utilization, Smooth Transition and Continuity in Operations within the Sector and prepared documents including Technical and Managerial Competency Profiles, Conditions of Service, Scheme of Service, Comprehensive 3-year training plan, Recruitment/Selection Policy, Performance Management Policy, Strategic Business Plan for the Institute of Continuous Judicial Education (ICJC). (2001)

Human Resources Development Programme for Community Leaders (Lome IV) supported by the European Union (EU). Pentax was contracted by the Ministry of Local Government and Rural Development to equip community leaders with skills to handle the Administrative, Legislative and Advocacy functions in the local communities. Community members were assisted to identify training needs and related issues that were addressed to sharpen their effectiveness at the local level and also developed Trainers’ Manuals for eventual use by the Training teams incorporating topics with minimum of two (2) case studies. (2001)

Development of Human Resource and Office Administration Systems for ARB/Apex Bank Limited funded by World Bank. Pentax prepared relevant Human Resource Development Policy manuals in connection with the establishment and operation of the ARB/Apex Bank Limited. The outputs were a Comprehensive Scheme of Service, Employee Resourcing, Conditions of Service, Competency Profiles, (Technical and Managerial), Employee Performance Measurement Manual, Training and Development Policy, Administrative and Operational Manual and Salary Structure. (2000)

Development of Human Resource Systems; Performance Management Systems, Internal Control Systems and Comprehensive Salary Structure for four (4) rural banks, 1998. Pentax was contracted to develop a Performance Management Systems, (incorporating review of Corporate establishment, Organizational structure for Head office and agencies and job descriptions for all categories of staff.), Internal Control Systems and Development of a Comprehensive Salary Structure for a number of rural banks including;

Ahantaman Rural Bank (1997)

Lower Pra Rural Bank (1997)

Amenfiman Rural Bank (1997-1998)

Bawjiase Rural Bank (1998)

Strategic and Business Plans Development

Pentax has in recent past formulated Medium Term Strategic Business Plans for the following organisations using Consultative and Client-centred approach which involved Workshop facilitation for Key Stakeholders, Review of Secondary Data, Formulation of Draft Plan, Validation Workshop for Stakeholders and Preparation and Submission of the Plans to the Clients.

Examinations Council of Zambia (ECZ) (2016-2020)

Pentax facilitated a two-day workshop for staff of the Examination Council of Zambia (ECZ) and prepared the Medium-Term (2016-2020) Strategic Business Plan (full and abridged versions) for the Examination Council of Zambia. (2016)

Association of Educational Assessment in Africa (AEAA)

Pentax facilitated a two-day workshop for the Executive Committee of the Association for Educational Assessment in Africa (AEAA) and prepared the Medium-Term (2016-2020) Strategic Business Plan for the AEAA. (2015).

National Banking College (2012 – 2016)

Pentax prepared a Medium-term Strategic Plan (2012 – 2016) for the National Banking College in 2012.

Ghana National Fire Service (GNFS) (2008-2012)

Facilitated a workshop for all the top brass of the Ghana National Fire Service (GNFS), including the Regional Commanders, Directors and the National Head and prepared the Medium Term Strategic Plan for the Ghana National Fire Service (GNFS). (2007)

Ghana Microfinance Institutions Network (GHAMFIN) (2007-2011)

Conducted an institutional assessment of Ghana Microfinance Institutions Network (GHAMFIN) and prepared a 5-year strategic plan for the institution under the sponsorship of UNDP (2007).

Preparation of Strategic Business Plan for Partner Microfinance Institutions2007

UNDP/GoG Capacity Building for MSMEs Project. The UNDP/GoG Capacity Building for MSMEs project is designed to build the capacity of selected partner Microfinance Institutions (MFIs) through training, exposure to relevant best practices and technical assistance to enable them reach out to a significant number of entrepreneurs, particularly women, in rural Ghana, while achieving managerial and financial sustainability. As part of the project, the sponsors commissioned the preparation of Medium-Term Business Plans (2007-2011) for five (5) selected partner Microfinance Institutions (MFIs). Prepared Strategic and Business Plans for the following Institutions;

Empretec Ghana Foundation;

Afram Rural Bank;

Akoti Rural Bank;

Upper Amenfi Rural Bank and

Upper Manya Kro Rural Bank.

National Association of Local Authorities, Ghana (NALAG) (2001-2004) and (2005-2009)

Pentax prepared the Medium-term Strategic Business Plans (I & II) for the National Association of Local Authorities, Ghana (NALAG) (2001-2004) and (2005-2009). Pentax therefore reviewed NALAG’s first Strategic Business Plan (2000-2004) and developed a second medium-term Strategic Business Plan (2005-2009) for the Association. Pentax assessed set targets against actual performance for the 2000 – 2004 Plan. For primary data collection, the consultant elicited stakeholders’ perceptions through consultative meetings. Twenty (20) Metropolitan/Municipal and District Assemblies were consulted to discuss and test contemporary needs/wants of NALAG along five (5) core areas.

Presidential Special Initiative (PSI) on Garments and Textiles (2005)

Pentax prepared Business and Operational Plans for twelve (12) beneficiary clients   under the African Growth Opportunity Act (AGOA) for implementation by the President’s Special Initiative (PSI) on Garments and Textiles. (2005). The beneficiaries included;

Suhum-Kraboa Coaltar District Assembly- Garments and Textiles,

Kwahu South District Assembly- Garments and Textiles,

Komenda-Edina-Eguafo-Abirem District Assembly- Pineapple Processing,

Cape Coast District Assembly- Citrus Processing and

Agona District Assembly- Citrus Processing.

Goldlink Limited (2001-2005)

Goldlink Tours Limited contracted Pentax Management Consultancy Services to prepared the 5-year Medium-term Strategic Business Plan (2001-2005), a Performance system for financial projections (2001-2005) for prudent financial management of the company, Tourism Management Information Systems, Promotion Materials and a Website. A market research was conducted and a tour package on tourism attractions/sites for eight (8) selected regions in Ghana plus known sites in Upper West and Upper East Regions were developed.

Vetrico Hotel Limited

An organisational review and complete restructuring of the Vetrico Limited was carried out by PENTAX by reviewing the efficiency of the then existing management, financial and production systems as well as marketing shares and potentials of Vetrico. Pentax prepared Business Plans for Vitara Hotel Limited, Roots Family Village Limited, Sibbs Ventures to evaluate the economic and technical feasibility and financial viability of the projects and also to enable the project promoters to source for loan capital to finance their projects.

Fidelity Group (1999-2003)

Pentax undertook a comprehensive institutional assessment and prepared the five (5)-Year Medium term Strategic Plan for the Fidelity Group. The strategic plan also examined the current operations of Fidelity, made an assessment of the traditional Discount House and Investment Management Services into the future and evaluated the possible services to be included in the Fidelity portfolio in future.